A Cup of Stumptown Joe

Being married has made me a more grateful person. Well, at least I recognize things I took for granted my previous 24 years of single oblivion.

I pour a cup of Stumptown and am now much more thankful for those precious beans and the cost of each. Cream for my coffee. Toilet Paper. Air Conditioning.  Meat and produce. Sugar-free hot chocolate mix, Rice Cakes and Pretzels. Washing laundry, dining out, highlighters, stamps and envelopes...the list is endless. Little things that have accumulated to shake me out of my affluent stupor and awaken a fresh sense of appreciation and thankfulness.

Steaming coffee mixes with happy thoughts and I'm just as content without the cream.

What will I acknowledge gratefulness for today?

I will never forget the story once told me of a frustrated 911 widow who left a women's prayer meeting. "They were all complaining about their husbands and the irksome habits of men...I'd give ANYTHING to walk into the master bedroom and see the toilet seat up."

My husband. My home. My camera. Amazing Clients. Superb coffee.



Fashion and Butterflies

This coming Monday, a mere 3 days away (nobody panic), I will be shooting the first major fashion shoot of the season. Ballerina inspiration, smoke machine, fantastic hair/makeup crew, gorgeous fashion, what's not to like?

eeek. oh yea, I'm nervous.

Tis true, under that kick-butt, cool-as-a-cucumber exterior, I'm nervous. EVERY time.

But as a wise man once told me,

"The problem isn't the butterflies. You must make the butterflies fly in formation."

So while I'm getting my butterflies in order, relish in the fact that we're all human. We either rise to the occasion or throw up our hands in frustration.

I'm not the throwing up hands type.


9 Weeks...And Counting

HA. In 9 weeks I'll be Mrs. Dan Gutschenritter. Good Lord, I think God had a sense of humor in bestowing me with such a voluminous last name. I mean really people- I used to tout to my family how I would never marry someone with a last name that uses half the English alphabet. Guess I didn't count on him being German. Well, thank God he's more than worth it eh?

So yea, I've been thinking about kissing couples lately, and how happy I'll be to finally join them. That's right, I've never kissed this very-long-last-name man...yet.

9 weeks people. 9 very-soon-to-be-over weeks.

::happy dance::

I told him I was going to kiss him like that on our wedding day. I don't know why he wouldn't believe me.

Photo Credi: My second shooter and friend Bianca Jade