Advents of Husby and Wifey: The 1st Anniversary

It was the 16th of June, this day 365 days ago, Wifey first said- I Do. And rumor has it, she has loved every minute of every day since. Yes, there are ups and downs, conflicts and resolutions, disses and kisses, hurts and forgiveness. But from all appearances, it is well worth the ride. In her recent dialogue memoirs, she confesses to her readers her unexpected surprise at discovering romance still flourishes after the wedding day. "I think it's because the movies always end at the alter or closeby and you forget that they're still in love after the ceremony". For wifey, the 16th of June was just the beginning of the best.

Wifey sent me a few memories as photographic proof of their marital bliss over the past 12 months.




The End.